Message from the President

Expert on preparation of antibodies
-from basic ingredient to diagnostic products-
President Hiroshi Nomura
Immuno Probe Co., Ltd. was founded in 1986, and we have contributed to supply diagnostic manufactures with various antibodies and antigens as an EMS company.
The application range of antibodies spreads quickly through post-genome, clinical testing, animal testing and environmental inspection fields. As result, better and wide variety of antibodies are needed in expanding antibody-market. In these circumstances, we also have contributed to prepare various antibodies using innovative techniques.
Regarding the business environment surrounding Immuno Probe Co., Ltd., the promotion of regional comprehensive care systems is expected to progress in Japan due to factors such as diversification of medical care and nursing needs in the medical environment caused by the aging society. Overseas, developed countries have an increasing need for efficiency to keep medical costs under control, and preventive care is expanding as well. Developing countries are seeking to establish and maintain medical infrastructure to suit their increasing populations and progressing economic development. In both types of countries, the role of clinical diagnostics is becoming increasingly important. Corresponding to these changes, the role of our company is also becoming more important.
Immuno Probe Co., Ltd. maintains high ethical standards and compliance with all applicable laws and ordinances while taking responsibility in a wide range of fields such as economics, society, and the environment. We strive to contribute to society through the sustainable growth of our business.